What makes you feel better when you are in a bad mood?
-this is the question that inspired me to write this particular blog.
Let me get one thing straight; I almost never am in a bad mood. Although I am a true cynic, I am very very optimistic about everything. Dunno how, dunno why, do not ask.
But yeah, okay. A bad mood can and will hit you. What to do, other than moan and cry? Here is my top five list of things TO DO when in a bad mood:
I. Listenare ad Musica
We all love music, and I personally adore it. And, when moody -whatever mood that is, I choose one site: Musicovery. There are other sites I would choose first, but this nifty radio site allows you to choose music depending on your mood. Look at the pic:
II. Findire funnia sitas
I love google. And I love the fact that "google" is also a verb. So, I googled about brands that slowly became names (no, I do not search for brand names when I'm in a bad mood, I just google). So, I discovered these:
to hoover [v] - to clean with a vacuum cleaner
to fedex [v]
to send or ship (esp. by Federal Express)
to xerox [v]
to print or reproduce by xerography
to google [v]
to search the internet (esp. with a search engine)
to skype [v]
to communicate or try to communicate with an online internet service that enables voice and video phone calls.
to tweet [v]
to post a message on Twitter (applied only on Twitter, though. Yes, Twitter copyrighted it)
I don't know any other brand becoming a verb. If you do, please inform me. There are other genericized brands, and I shall write them all -all that wikipedia has, that is- because I'm pretty bored. This will be a list of once-copyrighted-but-no-more trademarks.
III. Readire Jocum (read jokes...?)
Okay, that title was hard even for me. So, I read jokes. The weirder the better. I like "challenging" jokes. Like the one I found on this site:
The procedure is simple. Think of any three-digit number; then select the corresponding buzzword from each column. For instance, number 257 produces "systematized logistical projection", a phrase that can be dropped into virtually any report with that ring of decisive knowledgeable authority. No one will have the remotest idea of what you're talking about, but the important thing is that THEY ARE NOT ABOUT TO ADMIT IT.
Yes, cute, I know.
IV. Takere unus penus or typere et writere
Take a pen or type and write. Write on your blog about what happened and you feel in a bad mood, write it in your diary, write it in a piece of letter and then burn it. Or do not write about it at all. Write about other things, like things that make you happy. Or make a 5 list of useless things [like mine]. Or paint. Do something creative. Draw. Just get a pen and let your moodiness get out of your system through ink on blank file.
One site that is utterly fun and you can write every single random shit about your moodiness is hatebook, the anti facebook service. If facebook is about the likes,hatebook is about the hates.
V. Pretendere tu es someunus alius.
I personally love doing this. I grab a friend (or a couple of them! the more the merrier) and pretend you're someone else. I personally prefer pretending to be a tourist. I speak gibberish with my friend(s) or another language, if my current folk does speak one I do speak fluently. What I do is this: pack my backbag with all the stuffed animals I still have from when I was a boy, take the most weird clothes, a bottle of water in my hand, a city map in the other one, sunglasses, a camera around my neck and I'm ready to go. Speak only in your gibberish/foreign language. Mispronounce every simple word a tourist could know (like "verr iz deez moozeoom?" instead of "where is this museum" or "cun yee-oo took mi un peektour" instead of... find out yourself :P), take loads of photos, make the peace sign to everyone, speak loudly and do things a normal towner wouldn't do and a townee would only think about it. Tip: don't do things that may get you to the officer's barred backyard, kay?
6th special tip if you managed to go this far: Read my blog :)
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